World War II
Born on the southern tip of great lake Michigan in March 1938, before the United States declared war in Europe, before Pearl Harbor was bombed I find myself drawn to stories and images of the Second World War. As I wander in memories for the Memoir, I sense/feel how this war surrounded my growing up. It was, in an oblique way, in the language of the household, in the newspaper photos, in newsreels at the movies, in the fear that comes in the atmosphere of war. I watch movies, TV series about this war. I see young men thrown into battles against the Axis of Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito. I see this happening all over the world. I watch The Spies of Warsaw, a TV series taking place during the year I was born. I watch the children. Why am I doing this? Will I find something I don't know the name of? If we are all interconnected does this war’s suffering explain sorrow?
May all wars cease and peace be in our breathing.